Wed, Feb 23


We got on the 9:50 bus to the Animal Kingdom, where we went to the “Flights of Wonder” bird show and took some pictures and then went thru the “Maharajah Jungle Trek” exhibit and took more pictures. Both of these were most enjoyable for us and we’d do them again. We ate lunch at some chicken place and it was surprisingly bad. The good news is the portions were small.

We headed off to the Disney/MGM park, where we got “FastPass” things for the Tower of Terror. We headed off to the MGM Studios Back Lot Tour, which was OK (we wouldn’t do it again). On the way back to the Tower of Terror Harlan got a FastPass to the “Rock n Rollercoaster with Aerosmith” (which Brenda had no interest in trying). The Tower of Terror was (H: Really Great and Lots of Fun! I wanted to do it again and again.) (B: something done for Harlan and not to be done again.) (Harlan thinks Brenda probably enjoyed it a little more than that…). We next visited the MuppetVision 3D show, and it was by far the lamest 3D thing we saw at the park. Brenda says it was the worst Disney event she has ever seen. “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire” was next, and while it was lots of fun it was humbling to get so many correct answers so quickly still never hit the 10 “best score” lists. Brenda wanted to do this one again and again. They have used this set for the TV show several times in the past.

By now, it was time for Harlan to do the “Rock n Roller” thing, and he thought it was lots of fun and something Brenda would just be real unhappy doing. Next on the list was the “Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular”, which was OK. Brenda liked it. Harlan realized that no matter how far away he is from the “flame” effects they are still hot. Several of the performers in the act were either stunt actors in the movie or stunt doubles for the stars.

On to the Magic Kingdom. More baby strollers than we could ever imagine! They could even rename it “Baby Stroller Land”. We immediately went to Space Mountain, where Brenda sent Harlan to enjoy it. (Not as good as Rock N Roller, and it would be better in the first seat of the first car so one would not know what was about to happen.) Probably another good choice, given that Brenda did this ride with Gary, Eddie, and Carol in DisneyLand years ago. It started to rain, but it only rained for about an hour.

We ate dinner at some restaurant that still had seating (it was getting close to fireworks time), half a broiled chicken and some bbq ribs, then watched the fireworks. Our view wasn’t great, but the show was better than the one at Epcot.

After the fireworks we headed straight to the parking lot to catch the bus, which we discovered had left early. Brenda called the bus company and was told that the guy actually left 5 minutes after he was supposed to. His clock must keep different time than our watches, our cell phones, the GPS clock we checked a bit later, or the cable TV time. Rather than wait around for another hour and change in the wet outside, we took a cab back to the hotel (and beat the bus by a couple of minutes).

To summarize: Animal Kingdom is great. Epot is pretty good. The Magical Kingdom has good fireworks.

We’re looking forward to spending tomorrow night in a hotel with a jetted bathtub and decent internet access so we can upload pictures.

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